another edit

we see in this era language
for these peoples ascended
a fresh evolutionary
wave which when crashed would become… hm?

The statement prior.
A specific would be
appreciated. Oh that
statement. It is. It is abstract.

Produce a figure we can call
concrete? Can you? No. You are
not expected to because you
sit at that desk as your lecturer
stands here, seeking to feed a few
history dishes for this room,
for nourishment, admittedly –

yes this room’s stuffiness is known
and clouds have hung around these
several days – hm? yes, several
is general. Arrival, the time
they arrived, no, no one really knows,
and no one will never know. Or ever.

Monday? Sunday? afraid that is
a matter – hm? Some of Sunday
was spent outside, yes, but some
of Sunday was spent inside.
Yes the slumbers are excluded.

And yes the sky was clear and we
were in it, out in it, in
the afternoon and the worn shirt
was light -fabric light – color too light,
not like too light but also light
sort of blue like a pastel sky
would be blue so yes the umbrella
had not been retrieved. So yes to say
clouds came Monday sounds correct.

Suggest the feeling is a feeling
of a long time. People your age
haven’t a clue how long clouds
used to stick around back in days
elders sat where you sit today.

Now we must finish this about
the language wave – hm? Okay
this will get out of hand. You are
requested to jot questions
on spare paper and when we conclude
we may discuss the questions.

You keep interrupting and press
patience through all manner of trial
and this is not an inappropriate
moment to remind you that this
academy did never abolish
punitive measures considered corporal
when it seems appropriate
to employ measures so corporal

and you may consider this
your final warning – meaning,
it means, a mere one more interruption
– no it doesn’t matter your skirt
does threaten to trespass this
academy’s dress codes, the length – or lack
of length – hm? Okay now you’ve done it.

About Mountainside Musings & stuff

I enjoy thinking & writing & doodling & photography & music and if someone out there gets even a morsel of pleasure from my makings, well that's just an extra cherry for me.
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