
I’m just another guy who likes to mess around with wordy stuff – all kinds – some I call ‘poetry’ though my formal and technical handle on ‘real poetry’ I confess is from a highly unschooled perspective, though I try to pluck off a pointer here and there and now and then, learn a little about devices and etc…. same with ‘fictions’. Same with all of it.

So I’m having a ball with this blog. Got lots of (unfinished-drafty-daft) stuff to play with plus doing this blog seems to be stimulating whatever places in the mind are associated with ‘newness’; like I tend to get bogged in a few pieces at the expense of going fresher, so I’ve been on a wave of starting/doing something new each day – even if it’s one paragraph or a couple lines… the more you do it the more habitual it becomes – that idea. If someone out there gets anything good from anything I put in here, why that would be so super peachy sweet.

Well thanks for visiting and reading and… and thanks.
Or could say it this way: If I could draw or paint I would draw or paint but I can’t draw or paint so… one uses what one has to do what one can’t help doing, like making up stuff which is what I like to do. Or try to do. Among other things.


close to a couple years later:

I became aware of options accessible to aspirant wordsmiths in realms of self-publishing; becoming aware, I checked it out and became excited; becoming excited I explored the world responsible for the excitement. Started with ebooks but I should’ve gone right to print, because after seeing the actual thing and being able to flip through paper pages and set the thing on the table or toss it to the counter or even let a drop of coffee dribble on it…. well you get the idea.

So I finally got into what you can do with createspace and I hope it turns into a long and comfortable journey and this will be just the first of many, which is titled after one of the early poems I posted here – which is now available here as: Paper Cuts

around another year later:

as usual the settling comfortably into a groove became elusive, but the latest is that I went and returned a few titles I could be highly critical of but who am I to say they won’t entertain a few folks out there – they are not intended to be all that profound anyway, though again, any profundity can be viewed from the reader’s subjectivity. Also there’s been the issue of a pen I can live with and I think I finally hit on one (though T. H. Seacrest ain’t a bad one – feel like it could come in handy).

Anyway, here’s my Amazon Author page and a few titles, all ebooks  except for the Mixins & Fixins, and I’m presently working on a rewrite of the Semen Springs Novella. But sometimes I look at the original version and wonder if it’s okay the way it is.

Well enough blabbing.

reading material by Ted Calvin Kerns

15 Responses to About

  1. Garden Girl says:

    Thank you for your recent visit to my blog. I like what I’m reading here and loving your style. 🙂 Keep writing!


  2. soumyav says:

    Thanks for being on my blog and liking . I will surely go thru yours soon. happy blogging!


  3. Leo says:

    Thanks for visiting and following. It seems we’ve had a similar experience blogging; I, at first, just wanted a place to finish and keep secure the things I’ve kept over the years but then after receiving some positive feedback felt an obligation to write some new stuff if it would come. I post once, maybe, twice a week. That seems to work for me. Looking forward to reading more of your efforts. Leo


    • cometotimmy says:

      Well I sure wasn’t expecting to have the kind of encouraging, positive, responses that have come along – like right away – so it’s probably not hard to get a little overexcited… and it’s lots of fun to wander around and check out other works. Probably settle things down here shortly, though there’s lots of ways to go about it. I like the 1 post per day idea. Then again there’s: something edited, something new. Then again there’s the ‘as the mood strikes’. Lots of ways. Lots of different ways. I’m having a fine time with this. Only regret not getting on it sooner.

      Hey and thank you too, Leo.


  4. tyroper says:

    I have appreciated your writing and your comments on my blog. I have nominated you for The Liebster Award. No obligation to pass along, I just wanted to recognize bloggers who’ve been an encouragement recently. Thank you!

    Liebster Award


  5. anna mosca says:

    Hi Timmy!? 🙂 Thanks for the follow.
    Be aware, please, my blog is a bilingual one.
    So you may get links to some poems in English as well as to some in Italian…
    When you do not know the language, be patient, just ignore the email, please.
    I’m trying to keep the posting balanced between the two languages.
    Hope you enjoy the English posts,


    • cometotimmy says:

      and thank you for the thank you, Anna. The bilingual angle is no problem, as I happen to be in Romania (not Romanian myself, but married to one and I like here a lot) and trying to learn Romanian, though the going is slow, and they have some similarities with Italian. So maybe I will pick up a few Italian words as I continue (the slow, very very slow) learning of this language.


      • anna mosca says:

        true! when i was in Romania they asked me not to speak English but Italian, they said it was easier for them to understand… Romanian wasn’t as easy for me to understand…


  6. ankushmehta says:

    Thanks for visiting and stopping by my blog 🙂
    And thanks for the follow too 🙂
    Have a blessed day 😀


  7. Still inlove with Bucharest? Would you write a small text for a Romanian online magazine? It’s a magazine written and designed only for those who love the city, it is not sold (no money involved, sorry 😦 ) and I’m now preparing an article in which I invited several people to tell a story about a theme. I thought you could be one of these persons. What do you think?


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